Ros Keltek members enjoyed a good day at the Royal Cornwall Show on the Thursday. We had our own musicians in the morning but due to a long awaited appointment we had to use recorded music for the afternoon performance. As it was our own musicians that had been recorded. We could say that they were still there in spirit.
It was Jason Thomas’s first time as organiser of the RCS Dance Festival and he did a good job.
Everything ran smoothly and it was a revelation to have the marquee turned around through 180 degrees to face more people passing through the middle of the show ground. Why had nobody ever thought of that before?
Unfortunately the weather wasn’t good. This meant that most if not all of the groups that danced that day had very little audience. Only those people who were dressed for the weather stayed for some time. Hopefully groups that performed on the other two days of the show got better weather?
Next year we will be looking forward to performing in the Cornwall Council building in a more central location when the Gorsedh, the CDS and Cornwall Council get together to produce an Expo.
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